Sunday, October 21, 2012

Kraft Foods Group Analysis

So, as part of my next to last class for my MBA, we had to do an analysis on Kraft Foods Group Mission, Vision and Value statements.  Here are the fruits of that effort, let me know what you think.  Also, please be aware that this is only to be used as a reference tool and not copied to complete an assignment.  If you do utilize parts of this assignment ensure you are properly referencing and attributing the work.

Thank You!

Executive Summary

This paper was written to identify and analyze Kraft Foods Group, Inc.’s Mission, Vision and Value statements and recommend changes to better line up with the company’s goals.

·      Mission Statement - to be North America’s best food & beverage company
·      Vision Statement – make a legacy
·      Values Statement - responsibility
·      The Mission, Vision and Values statements all tie into each other and work with each other
·      The company’s stakeholders are properly taken care of
·      Kraft’s Mission statement has an admirable goal and one that can be measured.  However, looking at it from outside of the company it is an unattainable mission and should have attainable concepts
·      The Vision and Value’s statements are effective and do not need any revision
·      Kraft has done a good job at defining their company’s Mission, Vision and Values in a concise manner, and they are focused  

            As a new company, even though the company heritage has been around for over 100 yrs, Kraft Foods Group, Inc. has done a good job at defining their company’s Mission, Vision and Values in a concise manner.  However, as with most anything, improvements can be made.  This paper will take a deeper look at those three statements to see if any improvements can be made.  We will accomplish this by identifying, analyzing and drawing relationship of alignment between these statements and the stakeholders of the company.

Company's Mission Statement and Analysis
            Kraft Foods Group, Inc, has as their mission statement: “to be North America’s best food & beverage company” (Welcome, 2012).  This is a pointed succinct mission statement that holds a lot of information.  We could gather from this statement that their ultimate goal as a company is to be the absolute best in every category, such as quality, delivery, taste, availability of product and as an employer.  As a mission statement it accurately, “describes the overall purpose of the organization” (McNamara, 2009) as written about by Dr. Carter McNamara in his article on developing the three statements we are talking about.  Obviously, one would hope that such a large corporation, as Kraft, would be able to define an accurate mission statement and it appears they have.

Company's Vision and Analysis
            After a thorough analysis of the company website and descriptions about themselves it appears that the company’s vision is:  “make a legacy” (Welcome, 2012).  This was not an easy find, even though it was on one of the first pages a visitor to the website sees.  It appears that this vision is a good fit for what Dr. McNamara write about a company’s vision as being a “vivid description of the organization as it effectively carries out its operations” (McNamara, 2009).  Kraft is relying heavily on their past legacy that started back in 1903 and has continued through to this day.  From an outsider’s perspective, this vision is one that is both moving emotionally and motivationally.  Emotionally in that it is reflecting on the past and how one man’s vision has made such an impact on the world today, and motivationally by invoking everyone associated with Kraft Foods Group, Inc to conscientiously think about how what they do today will create a lasting legacy on the world in the future.  In this author’s first, and so far only, blog, this idea of a lasting legacy addressed in that a business should not only be concerned with the bottom line, but also with what they are leaving behind as a legacy.  The vision of Kraft Foods Group, Inc is definitely comprehensive and on point.

Company's Values and Analysis
            While Kraft does not come out directly and state their values, there are multiple statements that allude to the company’s values that can be summed up in one word…Responsibility.  Under the tab responsibility, it has a heading of “make some good”, and a short paragraph that states, “From changing our packaging to promoting healthy lifestyles, we continue to evolve the way we do business to reduce our environmental impact and enhance our contributions to society while delivering outstanding financial performance” (Responsibility, 2012).  While they mention multiple focuses on consumers, the environment, society and their shareholders, it all stems back to a responsibility the company feels to make some good.  While this may not actually be their values statement it is a good description of the overall feeling one gets when looking at their website and seeing what the company is promoting.

Alignment of Company's Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals With Stakeholders' Interests
            An article on titled Stakeholder Analysis mentions 12 stakeholders a company my come into contact with (Stakeholder Analysis, n.d.), however this section will only address 5 specific stakeholder categories:  Stockholders, Consumers, Employees, Government and Communities. 
            The Mission, Vision and Values statements all tie into each other and work with each other.  While a quick summary of how these stakeholders are affected could be accomplished, a larger impact of the alignment can be realized more effectively by using Kraft’s exact words from their website when dealing with each stakeholder individually.  With this being said, stockholders are taken care of because of the company’s focus on a, “Strong Corporate Governance” by, “Disclosure of the board's processes…Independence of a majority of the directors…Respect for shareholder rights…Compliance with legislation and regulations” (Corporate Governance, 2012).  Consumer’s needs are met because the company focuses on first “Food Safety and Quality” (Responsibility, 2012), and secondly by focusing on “Health & Well Being” by “Bringing Nutrition Resources and Education to Consumers” and “Helping People Make Better Choices” (Health & Well Being, 2012).  The employees are aligned with the company’s Mission, Vision and Values as evidenced by their statement that, “We will treat all employees with the respect they deserve.  We will provide them with a safe workplace.  And we will inspire them to do great things” (Our Workplace, 2012).  Government as a stakeholder is address by Kraft Foods Group, Inc by their statements that they have, “A Commitment to Operate in Legal Compliance and with Integrity(Compliance and Integrity, 2012).  A commitment to the communities that are affected by Kraft can be seen on their page devoted to community involvement, they state how they are committed by, “Community Partnerships: Fighting Hunger & Encouraging Healthy Lifestyles…Lending a Hand When Disaster Strikes: Humanitarian Aid…Promoting Volunteer Service to Drive Change” (Community Involvement, 2012).  Lastly, we can see that their Mission, Vision and Values statements apply to everyone, everywhere because of their recognition of a responsibility of, “Sustainability – Protecting our Resources…Making a Sustainable Difference…Agricultural Supply Chain…Environmental Policy” (Sustainability, 2012). 

Recommended Changes
            Kraft’s Mission statement has an admirable goal and one that can be measured.  However, looking at it from outside of the company it is an unattainable mission.  Their mission could be more focused to invoke a feeling of attainability by all employees.  Just being the best is too generic.  If they could determine some initial categories such as largest retailer or highest sales, and then add to those categories as they progress, an added sense of accomplishment could be garnered each time they hit their targets.  Their Vision statement to make a legacy is well thought through.  It helps that the legacy is already in place and does not take much effort to promote a furthering of the legacy already in place.  For their Values statement, it is this author’s opinion that for a company of their size to realize that they do have a responsibility to their stakeholders and that their business affects so many different avenues is promising.  One could not have come up with a better Values statement than what Kraft Foods Group, Inc has accomplished in doing.

            Hopefully, throughout this paper, one is able to see the relationship of Kraft Foods Group, Inc’s Mission, Vision and Values statements and how they directly affect their stakeholders.  By identification and analysis of each of the three statements, we could see that Kraft truly has done a good job at defining their company’s Mission, Vision and Values in a concise manner, and while some recommendations were made to adjust their mission statement overall they are focused.

Community Involvement. (2012). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from Kraft Foods Group:
Compliance and Integrity. (2012). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from Kraft Foods Group:
Corporate Governance. (2012). Retrieved October 15, 2012, from Kraft Foods Group:
Health & Well Being. (2012). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from Kraft Foods Group:
Heathfield, S. M. (2009). Build a Strategic Framework Through Strategic Planning. Retrieved October 15, 2012, from
McNamara, C. (2009). Basics of Developing Mission, Vision and Values Statements. Retrieved October 2012, 2012, from Free Management Library:
Our Workplace. (2012). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from Kraft Foods Group:
Responsibility. (2012). Retrieved October 15, 2012, from Kraft Foods Group:
Stakeholder Analysis. (n.d.). Retrieved October 15, 2012, from 12Manage:
Sustainability. (2012). Retrieved OCTOBER 20, 2012, from Kraft Foods Group:
The Business Vision and Company Mission Statement. (2007). Retrieved October 15, 2012, from QuickMBA:
Welcome. (2012). Retrieved October 20, 2012, from Kraft Foods Group:

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Your SEO optimized title page contents

Saturday, September 15, 2012



So you started a business, or are considering starting one.  Why?  Is it out of a want to be rich?  Is it to help others out?  Is it because you just don't think you can work for anyone else?  Is it because you can do something better than it is already being done?

No matter what the reason, one must take time to consider what their goals are.  My question today is:  Have you thought of the lasting legacy your business is going to leave?  Just as the footprints are left in the sand, we all leave some sort of impression or legacy on the world we live in.  A phrase that really hit home with me the last time I was traveling outside of the United States was, "In order to get where you are going, you have to know where you are."  I would encourage you to sit down and consider what type of impact you are having on the world today and develop some sort of plan to leave a lasting legacy that is positive.

This is my first of hopefully many postings, if you have any topics that you would like addressed, please email me at  Thank you for reading.