Saturday, September 15, 2012



So you started a business, or are considering starting one.  Why?  Is it out of a want to be rich?  Is it to help others out?  Is it because you just don't think you can work for anyone else?  Is it because you can do something better than it is already being done?

No matter what the reason, one must take time to consider what their goals are.  My question today is:  Have you thought of the lasting legacy your business is going to leave?  Just as the footprints are left in the sand, we all leave some sort of impression or legacy on the world we live in.  A phrase that really hit home with me the last time I was traveling outside of the United States was, "In order to get where you are going, you have to know where you are."  I would encourage you to sit down and consider what type of impact you are having on the world today and develop some sort of plan to leave a lasting legacy that is positive.

This is my first of hopefully many postings, if you have any topics that you would like addressed, please email me at  Thank you for reading.


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